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Sunday, October 29, 2006

An Ocean of Tears 

Lord, if I cry an ocean of tears, will this pain stop?

No my child. The pain and your tears will become bitterness in your spirit. Give your tears to me instead and I will use them to cleanse the pain away as you might wash the dirt from your body.

I don't know if I can give my tears and pain to you. I have lived with them so long, I might feel naked and alone without them. They have been my companions all these years. I am afraid to be free for then I will be empty. Emptiness is worse than the pain, for at least the pain is something.

Dear child, You will be empty, but it will only last a moment. You see, this pain and hurt is keeping me from filling you with hope and feelings of my love for you. While you are so filled I can not pour my love, gentleness and peace into your spirit. Your heart has longed for peace. Please open up and yield your pain and hurt to me though your tears and you will feel my love decend upon you in a way it has never been allowed to before. Whatever abuse you have suffered, whatever pain you feel, whatever hurt that gnaws at your soul can wash away in your tears if you give them to me.

I want to give you my hurts and fears. Please help me to pour out my soul to you as a drink offering. My greatest desire is to be whole though I am afraid to let go. But for you Lord, I will release my pain and anguish. I am weary of bearing it and know you will not leave me alone. Lord, in You alone do I trust my deep inner longings and fears. Help me Lord to let go and let you...........

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